Gateway Installation

Fortescue Bay, Three Capes Track, Lutruwita/Tasmania
Public art commission for the Three Capes Track under the Tasmanian Government Art Site Scheme
Featuring words by Sharnie Everett

Artist: Alex Miles
Words: Sharnie Everett
Collaborators: Gerhard Mausz (Terrazo abalone shells)

Gather, 2015
Various dimensions
Celerytop Pine, steel, terrazzo with abalone shell aggregate

Designed to create a sense of completion and be a bookend to the start point work at Denmans Cove. It is a place to gather, enjoy the views across Fortescue Bay and begin to reflect on the experiences of the past 4 days. It is also a place to acknowledge the area’s first inhabitants – the Pydairrerme. Words by Sharnie Everett feature on one of the large abalone shells:

“Soul of the ocean…Spirit of the land”.