Suspended mobile

Visitor Centre, Cradle Mountain Lake St Claire National Park, Lutruwita/Tasmania
Commission for the Tasmanian Government Public Artsite Scheme

Artist: Alex Miles
Architecture: Cumulus Studio

Canopy II, 2019
4000 x 10,000 x 2500 mm (approx overall area)
Brass, copper, aluminium, steel

One of the many highlights of the Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National Park is the deciduous beech.

Nothofagus gunnii is Australia's only cold climate winter-deciduous tree and is endemic to the Tasmanian Highlands. It occupies just a fraction of Tasmania's wooded areas and is very slow to grow and regenerate after fire which makes the protection of its habitat crucial.

In autumn its leaves turn a beautiful red/gold creating a spectacular show along the banks of Dove and Crater Lakes – an opportunity for visitors to experience one of the many highlights of the area – a Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area 'for the people, for all time' (Gustav Weindorfer), and with that, a responsibility of care.

This work was designed as an immersive primer for visitors about to head out into the park, capturing spirit of the Mountain and Cradle Valley and providing a gentle reminder to tread lightly.

Photo: Anjie Blair
